Module 1, Practical 10

Part 1

Several years ago, researchers compiled a dataset known as the “Copenhagen Network study”. This dataset includes a range of information collected from 700 university students. In this exam, we will focus on the following files:

  1. A list of phone calls: calls.csv

  2. Information about Facebook friendships: fb_friends.csv

  3. Student gender data: genders.txt

The data in these files are structured as follows:




# user_a,user_b


0_M 2_M 3_M 4_M 5_M ...

Write a program that performs the following tasks:

  1. Find the Longest Call: Identify the call with the longest duration from the dataset.

  2. Check Facebook Friendship: Determine if the caller and receiver in the longest call are friends on Facebook.

  3. Display Genders: Print the gender of both students involved in the longest call.

  4. Discretize Interaction Durations: Convert the duration of each interaction from seconds into hourly units. Any interaction that occurs within one hour should be rounded up to 1 (for example, 45 minutes or 3600 seconds both discretize to 1 hour).

Input: The program should take in the file CALLS.

    time  id_a id_b duration
    [  184,   300,   301,   121],
    [ 3920,   512,   299,   670],
    [ 5623,   301,   300,   504],
    [ 9252,   401,   457,    -1],
    [15466,   512,     0,     5],
    [15497,   512,     0,    28],
    [26400,    19,    47,   619],
    [31312,   687,   310,    11],
    [36265,   300,   301,    74],
    [37049,   634,   681,    20],

output CALLS

    time  id_a id_b duration
    [  0,   300,   301,   121],
    [  1,   512,   299,   670],
    [  1,   301,   300,   504],
    [  2,   401,   457,    -1],
    [  4,   512,     0,     5],
    [  4,   512,     0,    28],
    [  7,    19,    47,   619],
    [  8,   687,   310,    11],
    [ 10,   300,   301,    74],
    [ 10,   634,   681,    20],
  1. then plot those interactions, you should obtain a plot like the one bellow! pay attention to x and y labels


NOTE you should define a function for each point.

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